...Moving in 3 weeks, meaning I got a couple days without internet, and a metric shitton of house crap to move. But at least it's not far... Across town, specifically.
So in this house I'm living in, there are some structural problems, and one glaring flaw was it's foundation isn't great. Another was the house appliances are outdated; one of them is the Stove/Oven/Dishwasher combo from the 60s, and the dishwasher was broken. The washer & dryer are on their last legs; the washing machine was fixed, since that transmission was broken, while the dryer doesn't dry that great on cold days... Not to mention the vent where the dryer shit blows out comes in the garage, fogging it up when the garage is closed.
The new house my family & I are moving to had more up-to-date appliances, more bathrooms, and 4 bedrooms. That, and a big shed to store more shit in. Doesn't sound like a mansion, but this is my parent's first time to actually buying a house with a mortgage. Can't fuggin' wait.