Guess it's time for another update. Alright, let's start with Youtube handles. It doesn't mean much, but it is pretty useful for mentioning people without having the effort of finding THEM or them finding you. I approve of this, because I need to update that Mace 2.0 URL that was using the outdated "Omnilution 2015" tagline. I updated both channel's links to simply Mace2.0 & TypeRABIT, respectively.
Second: The Hidden Art Den. Moreso, this link here. Right now, it's a bit barren, and most of it are Vivi-related. The purpose for this is to show off some of my art pieces without compromises like Artstation (turns your pngs to jpegs), or Wysp which I abandoned (can't really post art that's over 1200px wide without compromise). This is also some sort of journal like this, but this time I could post a butt-load of images. I could also post some old pieces, like the 3D models which I document throughout the entire thing (y'know, for safekeeping).
Next, Lost Legends. It's not going anywhere, but this month's episode focused on the prequel to everyone's favourite Dinosaur Hunter - Turok: Evolution. This game had quite the history when it was being made for 2 years, but unfortunate that this didn't get enough polish. Then again, this is Acclaim. When it comes down to cut content (in the PC version at least): It's a goldmine.
Pic here is just a sneak peek that the TCRF didn't cover. However, this episode will be split into TWO Parts: Part 1 covers the history, the game itself, and it's builds. Part 2 covers the previews and digging through the vast majority of lost content. Hopefully I'll get these done on the same month, and cross my fingers that I won't get evacuated from another flood like last year.
One more thing: About that Vivi model? Frankly, I barely started the thing, because I was focusing on Lost Legends. This is the last screenshot I did before I move on to something else. I was planning on abandoning this attempt to try a different method, one day. Once I got time to spare, at least.