It's been 20 years since this site has been launched... even though I wish they can, I dunno... REMOVE THE STRICT LIMITATIONS (limiting 500MB for a video ain't enough, Fulp). The video is in total progress, and I'll give you a taste of what's to come: in literal fashion. Even though the video is voiced by 3 separate VAs, my voice butts in on the intro and No. 1 for the reason why I don't get involved with the voice stuff... I sounded like shit, alright?
No. X: My Life Me (Voiced by Jameeeesh)
Alright people, think of your FAV anime for a second... now think about it when it took place in Canada, FLASH animated, and add every anime cliche except fanservice and big racks, and put them into school. You get My Life Me: The dumbest Fanime ever made. When fnding info for this show and why is it awful, I got My life WITHOUT me, so bear with me.
The writing in this show is dull, voices are tolerable but not that good, and they had various cardboard cut-out school student stereotypes from the "Wannabe cool guy" to "Alpha bitches". The episode ideas are pretty much like any other show which involved Teenagers in school or the damn mall and whatnot: This (Plot A), this (Plot B), and that (Finish both plots at the same damn time.). One episode is a common premise: "that Love message" technique using these cell phones (flip phones), remember these? yeah, and the messages are love poetry, and Birch (lead protagonist) and her friend Liam, tried to help her bitch friend,
the skater chick which I don't remember her name to pass an english test, by sending these notes who she think it's from a secrect admirer. And what did they get in return? Getting shit, that's what. Also, why is this guy, Liam always keep putting his glasses on, and glasses off, throughout the series? it's annoying. Don't tell me He's been doing this throughout the series because reasons.
Look at him... he seen enough unfunny bullshit to look like this.
Hello, cheese.