Currently listening: Crypt Of The Necrodancer OST - Composed by Danny Baranowsky
It's finally here:
Additional VA's: Jameeeesh and RetroArcadeMonkey
It took sooooo much planning, so much effort, and so much of the fuckin' procrastination, but it made it out, alive. I've been planning on making this since 6 months ago, but I haven't got around making it, until a couple months ago when I got off my lazy ass, and start making the script on full steam. Of course, there's a load of bad weapons I've missed out such as "The Beamer" from Planetside 2, or the "Playing Cards" from Dead Rising, but I want to show you the worst weapons that's not so predictable, unlike many list-makers from the past where they have a large chance of putting the Klobb on their lists. I decided to make it more challenging by excluding many weapons you probably know about such as "The Torch" from Ghosts & Goblins, "The (infamous) Klobb" from Goldeneye, "The Cane" from Dr. Jekyll & Mr. Hyde, and lots more, for good reason: What's new to talk about?
Minor upgrades to My YouTube Channel: New Intro done in Sony Vegas, how to remove the noise from my iPod camera, better audio adjusting, and best of all: how it presents.
Also, there's minor setbacks: I was working on that list, The Arsenal's Exotic weapons update (via DeviantArt), a ridiculous Re-Volt Track I'm working on, and some art stuff. Yeah, it's such a hassle, but that's life for me... for now. On the editing side, some footage have to be cropped due to someone having their brand and stuff on the screen, and a few lines have to be cut, becuase of dragging and/or repeating the same things. Basically, I got a C- on English 12, so what's the point?
Final thoughts: It's been a fun list. And one of my best videos to date.