Well, it's been a rough day for me. I have to split the video in half because Vidme doesn't accept video over 1GB files or 30 minute videos (unless you're verified), I have to make a quick thumbnail, then I have to make a YouTube video to the vidme video, and then a lot of extra crap like that. Enjoy some links.
PART 1: https://vid.me/Fpmg
PART 2: https://vid.me/hz0S
Written uncut version (extra): http://outmaced121.deviantart.com/art/Star-vs-The-Forces-of-Evil-Theories-Predictions-651599533
Character Sketches (extra): https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LllbA
Rammstein Links 2 3 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph-CA_tu5KA