This isn't really an M-Rated thing. T for (extra) Thiccness for sure.
This isn't really an M-Rated thing. T for (extra) Thiccness for sure.
Relax Ex-Tumblr boy, NG has lower standards here. This one's strictly an E for me.
This one, I could dial up to a T. Just because.
This one seems too tame for an M-Rating. Guess you're a member of the "Tumblr Porn Purge Victim" fanclub, and I could see this way more often. Anyways, this is actually a T for Thickness thing. Take note that NG had lower (& better) standards than Tumblr.
Will do. Thank you.
Y'know, this isn't really M-Rated, ex-Tumblr user. A T for thickness is where it should lie.
This is a T-Rated drawing. An M would show a cameltoe or no panties (or top) altogether if it's like that.
This one doesn't deserve an M-Rating. It's an E at best.
u think so i just wanted to be safe
Don't get too paranoid, Ex-Tumblrite. This is a T for Thickness.
I like your style, but take note that this place had less standards here than Tumblr. BTW, this one's more of a T for Thickness, not an M.
Mhmm thanks, I'm still trying to gauge how exactly ratings work here haha
This is also likely not an M-Rated drawing. This I could see as an E or a T at least.
just to be safe, you know
Does art on occasion.
Age 27, Whom/Whomst
Youtuber, Artist
Joined on 5/13/10