No thoughts. Only bnuuy.

Mace @Mace121

Age 27, Whom/Whomst

Youtuber, Artist


Joined on 5/13/10

Exp Points:
948 / 1,110
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Vote Power:
5.20 votes
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> 100,000
B/P Bonus:
2y 10m 23d

Mace121's News

Posted by Mace121 - January 13th, 2017

...And that tech is the NES Classic. Shocking, I know. We've been playing with this all night, and I however was watching the Nintendo Switch livestream for curiousity. The mini console is so addicting, my little sister (she's five) was playing this at 4:30 IN THE MORNING. I was sleeping like a damn log until I hear some Mario in the background, but I don't want to check. Now you're playing with power.

Posted by Mace121 - December 31st, 2016

...And Mace121 rise. It was going to be just "Mace," but someone beat me to it. There's a good reason why I changed that very username, because I have several usernames with the Mace121 name (or similar names) going on the internet like Knowyourmeme, but at least I'm glad I retired the DCXME01 name after 6 years.


Now let's press F to pay respects on a username that only consists of random letters & numbers, because 2017 is nigh.

Posted by Mace121 - December 16th, 2016

Well, it's been a rough day for me. I have to split the video in half because Vidme doesn't accept video over 1GB files or 30 minute videos (unless you're verified), I have to make a quick thumbnail, then I have to make a YouTube video to the vidme video, and then a lot of extra crap like that. Enjoy some links.

PART 1: https://vid.me/Fpmg

PART 2: https://vid.me/hz0S

Written uncut version (extra): http://outmaced121.deviantart.com/art/Star-vs-The-Forces-of-Evil-Theories-Predictions-651599533

Character Sketches (extra): https://www.artstation.com/artwork/LllbA

Rammstein Links 2 3 4: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=Ph-CA_tu5KA


Posted by Mace121 - November 29th, 2016

Y'know, distractions are a bitch sometimes. So I'm delaying the PC Master Race rant video, for making one that I'm not-so-fond with: Making theories & predictions on Star vs. The Forces of Evil. Sounds even crazy, but since after watching the mid-season finale, I have a lot of things going on my head related to this show. I'll explain everything I thought out in the video when it's done. It'll be done sometime early in December.

Posted by Mace121 - November 21st, 2016

So what's happening in the house of Mace?

  1. I've watched the mid-season finale of Star Vs. The Forces of Evil, and blew my goddamn mind because of the many surprises & (spoilers) that cliffhanger though. SPOILERS AGAIN: Marco & Jackie kissed. The SS Starco tooked massive damage.
  2. Trying to get an actual job for weeks to no avail, but Dairy Queen called, and said that I'm hired.
  3. The PC Master Race Rant video is still in progress. Very slow progress due to the many distractions I've done.
  4. I'm making a new artpiece that sums (almost) everything 2016.
  5. I have Lisa Loud as my wallpaper for no reason. PS: Lisa is best Loud.
  6. I got a new phone. A Samsung Galaxy J3 (my work phone/portable N64 emulator)
  7. Why is everyone making fan art over a woman with the biggest ass? In my eyes, it's a red mop with Chun-Li legs.
  8. Thinking about making a list about Games, TV Shows, and movies that were changed drastically during development. The inspiration for this was Jimmy Two-Shoes' 2006 pilot where it was originally darker than the 2009 version. It takes place in hell.
  9. I'm also thinking about making two new series of YouTube videos called "Let's Play Duo" where I play some games with a friend, and the simply titled "Obscure Cartoons" where I go "Gaming Historian Lite" on cartoons that no one talks about due to it's obscurity.
  10. I've played the beta for Steep. It's a fun game, and probably will buy it. What turns me off is the back-ass controls, like you press R2/L2 to jump, doing spins & flips are wonky, and . Then again, the rest of the controls are hogging the shoulder buttons, and I don't think the D-Pad was used at all. If I were to design the controls for this game, I'd make it feel similar to SSX, use the navigation & shit on the D-Pad or touchpad, and press X to jump. Does anyone ever learned that X/A is jump (Square/X in GTA)?


Posted by Mace121 - October 29th, 2016

Post mood needed: A fucking skull. Goddamn supporter perks.

Anyways, Happy Halloween. I've posted my first NSFW or "M" Rated piece of art on this site... Technically this is my second, but the first one was my older arsenal which had a severed penis at one point (don't ask).



Recording is a slow, procrastinating progress (most of it was the NSFW piece), but it'll be done around November at least.

Posted by Mace121 - October 19th, 2016

So in the past weekend, I finally moved into town. It was a patronizing task because my family has a lot of shit to bring (from clothes & furniture to random shit), and we have no internet until recently today. From the past 5 days without internet, I've missed out a lot (look, I got no phone to use).


PC Master Race Rant Update:

Script is almost done, but I need to do some extra research to make some valid points on one section. I'll be hiring some goons who wants some VO experience or whoever's got a Linux or Mac ('cuz reasons). 

Posted by Mace121 - October 9th, 2016

Whenever comes down with console wars, there's always that one guy who says that the PC was better or something like that. Here's a newsflash: PC Gaming isn't always sunshine, rainbows, or replacing dragons with Randy Savage. I'm gonna get a lot of shit for this, but I'm making a video about it anyway. That video will be finished sometime around Halloween. Here's a taste on one of the entries:

They say that PC's are "cheaper" than consoles, is like saying having your balls blown off is less painful than a punch to the face. PCs are NOT CHEAP. Current consoles ranges around $250-$600, depending on which store you go to, what games & accessories came with it, or memory size. PC prices are all over the place, ranging from less than $300 to over $1500, and most PCs (excluding laptops) doesn't came with necessary components, like a monitor, speakers, mouse & keyboard. Meaning it costs even more depending on what equipment you're buying. Of course you could buy a used one off of Craigslist or somewhere, but chances are that you bought a broken PC, a hard drive that had viruses up the ass, had some parts missing, etc.

To give you an example on why the PC is not cheap, my PC is an Acer Aspire Laptop that has a 500GB hard drive, 4GB DDR3 L memory, Intel processor & GPU, and it costs ~$550 at The Source in 2015. The PS4 on my left comes with a 500GB Hard drive, 8GB GDDR5 memory, X86 processor, and AMD Radeon-based graphics engine. That costs around $460 which bundles with the controller, a physical copy of Uncharted: The Nathan Drake Collection, a PS Plus trial, and a digital copy of The Last of Us Remastered. The PS4 can do so much, while this PC can barely emulate a 6th gen console game. Need I say more?

I'm also hiring a couple voice actors if you're interested.

Posted by Mace121 - August 14th, 2016

Today's the 14th here, and it's my 19th birthday. I've no idea why it's on the most boring day of the week, but I'm still unemployed at the moment. LIFE IS GREAT.

Posted by Mace121 - June 12th, 2016

Apparently, I lost the link to the results. Glad I made another one.
